

Regardless of the service you choose, my goal is for you to feel that:

. you’ve gained something truly valuable,

. the experience was most enjoyable,

. things now have a wonderful clarity about them,

. you feel more empowered than ever to move on to the next step.


Personal Life Coaching

Do you want more clarity, serenity, enthusiasm, freedom, hope, success, kindness and joy in your life? Emotions are guides and anchors. Let’s use them to our advantage!

WHAT IS A LIFE COACH? (click here for video)

“By harnessing specialist techniques based on core psychological principles and natural intuition, life coaches provide clients with the tools to confidently face difficult situations, push past emotional barriers and eventually view life with fresh, hopeful and enlightened eyes.” (more…)

English Lessons & French Conversation

For intermediate students in English

We reinforce your strengths, help you clarify grammar (verb tenses, comparatives and superlatives, and how to express habits are common issues), work on pronunciation and expand your vocabulary.

I encourage students to choose their subjects of conversation based on how much they want to talk about it and express it. Once a new word is learned, it is anchored in their memory as the emotion is first remembered and leads the way to the memory of telling the story and then the new word. (more…)

French and English Translation

French to English and English to French

Translating is often regarded as work that, in essence, seems to require no creation of any kind, only “copying” in another language. Surely, from that point of view, any bilingual person can do that.

Unfortunately, this is not the case.

The translator has perfected an art; the art of having a deep understanding of the two languages involved, including their cultures and how their realities translate into one another; (more…)